UI Development

Here, you learn HTML for creating web page structure and CSS for styling. Additionally, you explore CSS frameworks like Bootstrap to create responsive and visually appealing designs quickly. Understanding these technologies helps you build the foundational layout and look of web applications, ensuring they are both functional and aesthetically pleasing


Start with Python basics, covering variables, data types, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming principles. Python serves as the foundation for Django development, enabling you to build dynamic and scalable web applications.

SQL and Databases

Understand SQL fundamentals for database management, including querying databases, creating tables, and managing data. Learn how to integrate SQL databases with Django using Django's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) to interact with data through Python models seamlessly.

Django Framework

Dive into Django, a high-level Python web framework. Start with the fundamentals, understanding Django's MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture. Learn to create projects, define models, build views to handle HTTP requests, and utilize templates for dynamic HTML generation.

Django REST Framework (DRF)

Django REST Framework (DRF) enhances Django for building robust Web APIs. It simplifies API development with powerful serializers for data conversion and flexible views for request handling. DRF supports various authentication schemes, including OAuth2 and JWT, ensuring secure API interactions. It's essential for creating scalable and feature-rich backend APIs in Django projects.

React.js (Add-On)

Integrate React.js for dynamic frontend development. Learn component-based architecture, state management, and seamless integration with Django APIs using Axios or Fetch for data handling.

Internship and Live project

After completing the course successfully, students are eligible for a three-month internship provided by Bitalpines at no cost. During this internship, each student will engage in real-life projects under the guidance of a project manager and team lead, simulating a corporate work environment. They will be responsible for completing tasks on time, participating in team meetings, and presenting their work, which enhances their productivity and prepares them as competent professionals. This hands-on experience with live projects not only distinguishes them during interviews but also equips them with practical skills for future career opportunities.